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Free Resources
Please feel free to download and share the forms below. If you have an idea for a form you'd like me to make, please let me know. I'll be adding resources along the way so sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of the page. Happy writing!
Book Cover Analysis - Here's a great way to organize your vision for your book cover
Book Cover Checklist - Make sure your front and back cover have all the necessary elements to make a great cover
Book Production Checklist - Quick reference checklist to keep organized during the publishing process
Book Production Timeline - Schedule your manuscript through drafts, edits, cover art and formatting plus track of your expenses on one easy form
Character Profile Template - Ever wonder what makes your character tic? Take a look at this in depth profile and see what motivates your character
Clean Up Your Copy - A handy cheat sheet to help take care of those pesky extra spaces or missed quotation marks. Use Find/Replace to quickly clean up your copy
Style Sheet - An editor's favorite tool - a handy list of the people, places, and thing in the world of your book. Writing a series? Here's a quick way to keep your continuity.
Timeline - Continuity is the purpose here. Track your story from day 1 and don't forget if you mention past events. It is all easily kept on this simple sheet. Great for series!
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